Pediatric bone aspiration is a medical procedure used primarily to obtain a sample of bone marrow for diagnosis or treatment. This procedure is often performed during the diagnosis of osteomyelitis, leukemia, anemia, etc. Children have softer bone structures than adults, so special attention to technique and safety is required during the puncture procedure.

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What is pediatric bone aspiration?



Pediatric bone aspiration is a medical procedure used primarily to obtain a sample of bone marrow for diagnosis or treatment. This procedure is often performed during the diagnosis of osteomyelitis, leukemia, anemia, etc. Children have softer bone structures than adults, so special attention to technique and safety is required during the puncture procedure.

How to perform bone puncture in children:

Select the puncture site: The anterior superior iliac spine or sternal manubrium is usually chosen as the puncture point because these sites are rich in bone marrow and are easy to locate.

Preparation work: Ensure that the operating environment is sterile and prepare necessary puncture tools, such as bone marrow puncture needles, syringes, disinfectants, etc.

Anesthesia: Depending on the child's age and cooperation, local anesthesia may be needed to reduce pain.

Puncture: Fix the puncture needle at an appropriate length, fix the puncture site with the thumb and index finger of your left hand, hold the needle in your right hand and insert it vertically into the bone surface. When the needle tip touches the bone, rotate the puncture needle left and right to slowly drill into the bone. When the resistance disappears and the puncture needle is fixed in the bone, it means that it has entered the medullary cavity.

Aspirate the bone marrow: Use appropriate force to extract the bone marrow. The extracted bone marrow fluid can be used for smears or other laboratory tests.

Ending the operation: Pull out the puncture needle, cover the puncture site with sterile gauze, and press gently for several minutes to stop bleeding.


Aseptic operating principles should be strictly followed during the operation to reduce the risk of infection.

Pay attention to the degree and angle during puncture to avoid tissue damage caused by excessive force or excessive angle.

When extracting bone marrow, care should be taken to extract a moderate amount to avoid too much or too little affecting the diagnostic results.

After the operation, the child's reaction should be closely observed, and any abnormalities should be dealt with promptly.

In short, pediatric bone puncture is an important medical operation and is of great significance for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. During the operation, technical accuracy and safety should be ensured to reduce the occurrence of complications. At the same time, for medical staff, regular simulation training is also an important means to improve operational levels and ensure patient safety.